Our commitments
organic agriculture
It is an agriculture that respects life (organic):
- no chemical fertilizers: we take manure from cows or ewes as well as chicken manure from local breeders. We then leave it to compost for several months until we get a rich and well-decomposed soil that we distribute over the vineyards.
- no pesticides: instead we promote a balanced fauna consisting of predators and insect pests like ladybugs and aphids.
no synthetic products: only mineral sulfur and copper salts to prevent late blight and powdery mildew are allowed at low doses. They do not penetrate the plant.
- no chemical weed killers: we only work the ground mechanically on the rows and between the rows of vines, we sow various plants which, once crushed and buried, bring nitrogen which is a source of energy. These green manures (vetch, sainfoin, rye, clover, mustard) provide us with colorful carpets in the spring.
Always curious and eager to improve our practices, we are now working in biodynamics.
Our wish is to move towards a low social and ecological footprint through sustainable energy produced locally. To this end:
- we develop and implement alternative solutions to fossil and fissile energy:
- we use a renewable electricity supply through Enercoop, a cooperative and supportive operator engaged in local development
we use photovoltaic power plants to offset part of our electricity consumption
- we purchased of our first electric vehicle in 2014 (powered 100% by renewable energy)
- we save on grapevine drainage by reducing tractor travel, and choosing equipment and technical solutions that use less energy.
- we promote the development of indirect energy:
- we practice rigorous maintenance to extend the equipment shelf life
- we share tools (joint purchasing)
- we reduce or eliminate the use of manufactured fertilizers by producing compost on the farm
- we are planning a grape pomace recycling project.